Monday, 4 October 2010

Autumn of Volunteering

So my first post summer, post festival, job.
A friend from Uni and I decided to take up one of the many emails we get asking for any help we can give at a variety of charitable events.

We chose: The Big Issue Big London Night Walk (yep thats a mouthful!)

We were assigned the registration team, so for once I got to be inside! Inside the IMAX cinema in London to be exact, with a chair and table and everything (can you tell festivals have made me grateful to non-standing roles?) We were marking off people as the arrived, making sure they knew where to get their maps and jackets and to stay safe seeing as it was a night walk through London.

This event was so different to festivals, I really felt like my role had a purpose as opposed to feeling often a little redundant at the bigger festivals. There were only 4 of us ticking off names and really we didn't stop for 2 hours just to keep the line moving and get everyone outside and ready to start on time.

I was actually one of the few who wasn't looking to join the walkers after my shift had finished, unlike festivals I wasn't there for any freebie (well I did get a t-shirt) or an experience I wouldn't have otherwise been able to get. I was simply there to see all the bits of a small budget-ed, charitable event come together.

In comparison to festivals there were no 'paid' staff as such. The employees of The Big Issue were there primarily because they love the charity they work for and also, as one girl told me, because they get an extra holiday day (well they did have to stay up until 9am when all the runners were back again so it is a fair trade).

For this reason there was no pity from security guards who thought we were getting ripped off (Download) and no being laughed at by stewards who often weren't there for the festival but were there for the £6.25 an hour they got paid (Glastonbury).  Just a bunch of volunteers, some events students like me, some serial volunteers who just loved the feeling it gave them the first time they helped out and now are on their 5th Moonwalk and some people who had experienced homelessness and the help The Big Issue can give and wanted to give back. And for this, I felt we all got along very well and I very much enjoyed my first of many post-summer voluntary events.

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